The Robo Advisor and Me – How well known is this modern technology among „Digital Natives“ and how is it accepted?
by Sebastian Block LL.M. (BIFID e.V. & Berlin School of Economics and Law)
and Sascha Eikelmann (BIFID e.V. & Berlin School of Economics and Law)
We have summarised the most important findings from the empirical study for you in the info graphic. You will find the download on the right side.
The term „Robo Advisor“ and its technology are playing an increasingly important role in the world of finance. Driven by the progress of digitalization, they have become indispensable in today’s world. Years ago, investment decisions were implemented exclusively by humans, but now more and more so-called Robo Advisors are taking over. The degree of acceptance for the new technology is to be found out among students in particular. They represent the generation of digital natives and the financial power of tomorrow.
Key words:
Finance, Innovation, Robo Advisor, Artificial Intelligence
Own empirical study on the financial knowledge of students, conducted by BIFID e.V.

Sebastian Block LL.M.
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