Our Supervisors
A brief introduction of YOUR future supervisors

Prof. Dr. Martin Užík
Prof. Dr. Martin Užík, an expert for corporate Investing and financing policy especially for Eastern Europe – was born in Slovakia and grew up bilingually.He studied Economics at the University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia) and the University of Wuppertal (Germany), where he graduated with honors.
He gained professional experience in the financial services Industry and obtained his doctoral degree on the subject Capital Asset Pricing Model. After obtaining his doctoral degree, he qualified himself as a professor on the subject Intangible Assets.
Since 2011, Prof. Dr. Martin Užík heads the chair of Corporate Financial and Investment Policies at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.

Prof. Dr. Neele Hiemesch-Hartmann
Prof. Dr. Neele Hiemesch-Hartmann is an expert in market research, especially in primary market research in the form of consumer and customer surveys, as well as multi-faceted and data-based marketing in digital contextsShe studied economics at the Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen and worked for many years in consulting and market research. After completing her PhD at Zeppelin University about product innovations in medium-sized companies, she worked as a researcher on the topic of open data at the HWR Berlin (2020).
Since 2021, she is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin for Engineering and Economics and is available as a contact person for market research projects at BIFID e. V.

Dr. Sebastian Block LL.M.
Sebastian Block is an expert in business law, finance, and investment.After his business dual apprenticeship, he served in the German Federal Forces for several years. He then studied Business Law at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. In addition to his work as a lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, he is also the managing director of the BIFID e.V. and is actively involved in research in the aforementioned areas.